a compass points to the north because

COMPASS PART 1 - Celtic Sea Kayaking.
SARBC - Understanding and Using a Compass.
As an aircraft flies closer to either pole the dipping error becomes more prevalent to the point that the compass can become unreliable because its pivot point .
The hemispheres don't matter really. A compass's needle always points north because the Earth, like a magnet, has an electromagnetic field. Like magnets .
Cows point north thanks to in-built compasses - Telegraph.
a compass points to the north because
Compass at the south pole? | PolarTREC.Schimmrich's Compass Tutorial.
The four cardinal points on a compass, which split the circumference of the. It will not in general be exactly the same as true north, because the magnetic field .
Because the needle of a compass is magnetized, it will always point toward magnetic north. You can use a compass without a map, if you just need to go in a .
Aug 26, 2008. Cows automatically point to the north because they have their own in-built compasses aligning them with the Earth's magnetic field, scientists .
Aug 16, 2012. Discusses why a compass doesn't always point north, how the magnetic. Because the core of the Earth consists of molten iron, the liquid core .
The needle points north because the south pole in the compass is attracted to the north pole of the earth, and vice versa with the north pole of .
In order for the north end of the compass to point toward the North Pole, you have . the declination is in different areas because it changes depending on where .
Aircraft compass turns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Why does a compass always point north? - Yahoo!7 Answers.
Finding Your Way with a Compass Teaching Tip.
The four cardinal points on a compass, which split the circumference of the. It will not in general be exactly the same as true north, because the magnetic field .
Because the needle of a compass is magnetized, it will always point toward magnetic north. You can use a compass without a map, if you just need to go in a .