can hdmi transfer data

HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface - AfterDawn: Guides.
Can i transfer information from one ps3 to another with an hdmi.
HDMI Cables 101 -
New version of HDMI cables brings Internet into consumer.
DVI only carries uncompressed video data, whereas HDMI can transfer both uncompressed digital video and multi-channel audio over a single cable.
Can older HDMI (v.1.0 - 1.3) devices be software-upgraded to take. The HDMI 1.4 specification adds a data channel to the HDMI connection, enabling. Support for 4K allows the HDMI interface to transmit digital content at the same .
HDMI Versions FAQ.
Thunderbolt vs. USB, HDMI, PCIe Cable: How does it compare.
Don't buy expensive HDMI cables! - Roy Tanck's weblog.
can hdmi transfer data
ELI5 If HDMI has a really high Gb bandwidth and is readily available.
Nov 14, 2011. The more expensive cables were more likely to transmit the data over. You can buy a high-speed HDMI cable for a couple of dollars, so just .