vegetable suet substitute

Backyard Bird Feeding - Suet Vs Vegetable Body fat 7627.
If you really cannot get suet - real or vegetable in the USA, (have you. I remember using chicken fat as a substitute some time ago when suet .
Nov 27, 2009. Hello, I'm trying to figure out if the substitution of suet is 1:1 with shortening in a pie crust recipe. I have my recipe (it's the one my mom alw.
Does anyone know if I can get Suet or vegetarian suet here? .. point, so I don't think you really can substitute it and get the same results.
But if you hate the idea, you can get vegetarian suet. 6 years ago; Report. Can you substitute shredded suet with something else when….
vegetarian suet is usually made from palm oil and rice flour. You need the low melting point of the palm oil. Palm oil( huile de palme) can be .
This review is from: Atora Light Shredded Vegetable Suet 200gr (7.05ozs) (Misc.) I'm no vegetarian, though the thought of using beef fat as a primary ingredient .
what is vegetable shortening?? - Netmums.
A vegetarian suet substitute is available in supermarkets in the United Kingdom that is made from fat such as palm oil combined with rice flour.
Apr 27, 2010. (175 grams/6 ounces) Shredded suet or suet substitute (i.e., Vegetable Suet, Crisco, Lard) (a pinch) Salt and pepper (Note* If making a savory .
A2K - A Seasonal Veg Table: Vegetarian suet Mushroom Pudding.
vegetable suet substitute
Natural-Bird-Food48 - Backyard Bird Feeding - Suet Vs Vegetable Fat.A vegetarian suet substitute is available in supermarkets in the United Kingdom that is made from fat such as palm oil combined with rice flour.
Apr 27, 2010. (175 grams/6 ounces) Shredded suet or suet substitute (i.e., Vegetable Suet, Crisco, Lard) (a pinch) Salt and pepper (Note* If making a savory .
Aug 12, 2009. vegetable suet? what is a substitute for it? or can i get it anywhere? Food, Drinks + Entertaining.
What is suet? What's it made of? - Yahoo! Answers.
Suet -
vegetable suet substitute
Help! where is suet? • Finland Forum.
Dec 13, 2009. Does anyone know where I might get suet and mixed peel around. Solid vegetable shortening can be used as a substitute because it also .
Atora Vegetable Light Suet 200g. Atora light shredded vegetable suet has 25 less fat than standard vegetable suet yet can. A delicious alternative to meat.
Apr 26, 2010. There is a vegetable suet available here and indeed anyone can substitute a hard, white vegetable fat. Wikipedia says the UK vegetable suet is .